Ongoing Project:
Interpretation of Cultures
I first came across the work of Clifford Geertz in 2004, while studying for my Ph.D. As an anthropologist, Geertz spent much of his life looking into the everyday life within different cultures. Living with people who's traditions, although at times difficult to come to terms with, embodied a particular race or creed and which related to a specific time within their historical development. Geertz wrote "Interpretation of Cultures" in 1973. Writing in his memoir "After the Fact: Two countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist," Geertz reflected that anthropology is "an excellent way, interesting, dismaying, useful and amusing, to expend a life."
These works are part of an ongoing process of development and enquiry into an artists view of "Interpretation of cultures". Through my experiences and observations, I capture moments that reflect a lifestyle, traditions, and behaviors that are the norm within a specific environment. However, when viewed as an interloper, they can become anything but normal. Join me on this journey of cultural exploration and interpretation.

Balanese Cockfight
The Balanese cockfight has been carried out for centuries. Viewed as a sport, two cockerels are placed in a fenced off enclosure, ready to fight to the death. As though that wasn't barbaric enough, each bird has knife blades attached to their legs beforehand, ensuring the most bloody of fighst!

Plockton Cottage
In the highlands of Scotland still stands an original thatched cottage

Pompeii tourist
During a visit to Pompeii I was enthralled by the intense concentration of a local tourist when observing a wall painting depicting Bacchus/Dionysus (god of wine) with Mount Vesuvius in the background. Wine folklore and Roman mythology could not have foreseen the irony of this fresco and the devistation the volcano brought to Pompeii.

Thai floating market
The Balanese cockfight is an abhorrant example of cultural norms, carried out over centuries.

Winter moon
The Balanese cockfight is an abhorrant example of cultural norms, carried out over centuries.

La Romana
The Balanese cockfight is an abhorrant example of cultural norms, carried out over centuries.

Elie beach huts
The Balanese cockfight is an abhorrant example of cultural norms, carried out over centuries.